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17.3 day off

So, that was a fun day off. I had to sit through seven hours of people talking about their coursework, going on and on about mostly the same stuff. My own presentation, incidentaly, went moderately well, though far from perfect. Of course, had my tutor at some point given me any sort of advice towards finding some nice computer program to draw on it would have been a lot better and easier. Anyway, I got back this afternoon, watched a bit of TV, and then, after a rather unproductive couple of hours that seem to have just disappeared, I got to work. I still have my current story to write, as well as a non-fiction book, and  a bunch of editing and planning requirements, as set out in this month’s timetable, which I worked through all evening, though I got a little distracted at times. It is getting late now and I still haven’t finished.

And then tomorrow, more work, I still have a lot more things that need to be organised and sorted out before I can gather all this year’s work together and take it in for resubmission next Friday. And then, a few days after that, I have an exam, so I should start revising soon, apparently. And then, just after that, I have to pack everything and go home.

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