
Posts Tagged ‘story’

18.9 need a name

November 12, 2011 Leave a comment

These last couple of weeks I have been working on the plot of a new story idea that I really want to start writing. Most of it is coming together quite well, but yet I have continually been unable to choose a name for my main character, a typical 18 year old boy who suddenly starts developing magical powers. I asked around for suggestions, and of the first few I got, my favourite to start with was Jimmy, but yet something about it did not seem to quite fit, even after I used it for a whole day. Since then, I have also considered Nathaniel and Lucas, and more recently have been thinking of Jonny, a name I intended to use elsewhere but then didn’t.
So, I turn to others for help again, I thought, this could be a good chance to try out this interesting looking poll feature on my blog, and get people to vote on their favourite. well, I could try it at least, if I can figure out how to make it work.
So, if it does work, simply vote for the name you think works best for this character, or even better, provide your own suggestion.

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